Friday, September 21, 2012

quit your job. buy a ticket. get a tan. fall in love. never return.

to know me is to understand that i am not a birthday person. i go through great lengths to not have that centralized attention for 24 hours. this year i ran away to palm springs with 2 cousins in tow and created a new cousins themed holiday instead of telling everyone the real occasion. our 24 hour palm springs adventure was exactly the mini escape i needed from the increasingly stressful world i've created in my head. we spent the day eating and drinking lavishly with 4 hours dedicated at a day spa. because of its success, we've decided to celebrate women's cousins day every year, alternating between our days of birth.

when i returned, i continued the tradition of having a few drinks with my former bosser and full time friend. 28 feels good so far. thank you if you greeted me or remembered and if you didn't know, then trust me when i say it's all good. 
