my mom has made it her mission to clean out the garage of the house my family has resided in since 1991. filled with mementos and crap from the collective childhood and teenage years of my brother and i, there truly are some hidden gems and forgotten embarrassment.
before the inevitable trip to the garbage dump, she had set aside some stuff for us to look through to either veto or keep. i happened to find a handful of notebooks from my last year in college. bursting with essays, syllabuses and homework, it was all from my upper division english courses (and lower division spanish classes. the irony!). it was interesting to see how i sounded back then and the dumbass ways i tried to impress my professors with my word choice.
despite my college years remaining in my rear view mirror, there's absolutely no reason for me to let my vocabulary skillz go down the shitter (yeah, i just wrote that). so i will continue to impress folks thanks to my new favorite website: