Friday, January 28, 2011
and we, we live half at night.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
up all night, i've got demons to fight.

i go big, i go home.

everything that can happen in a day.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
you're never too grown up to miss and hug 'em.
i spent new years day with 1200 of my closest strangers, a handful of my best friends, 25 dollar cups of sangria, quintessential tunes, bummed cigarettes and endless possibilities.
this song is for breakups and getaway cars.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
it's a fraction of the whole, but it's ours to control.

Thursday, January 20, 2011
i can hear you louder than ever. whisper to me, help me remember.

as time goes on, you have to realize what you don't know.
game recognizes game,
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
did i say too much, did i say enough?

all that i know is that i'm falling, falling, falling.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
push a button, pull a trigger.
nothing ever changes so tonight is like tomorrow night.

Monday, January 17, 2011
two superheroes, no sidekick.

Friday, January 14, 2011
let's spin at slow forever.

Thursday, January 13, 2011
i need to hear it, i love to hear it.

they stare at me, while i stare at you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
me: dirty in theory. you: dirty in practice. us: perfect.

when i was significantly younger, i used to imagine that blimps floated in the air to drop little trinkets in the sky. sometimes i would imagine a flood of marbles, coins, popcorn or even tiny bunny rabbits being set free. i never thought about where each item went after they passed the clouds. but somehow, i always thought i knew what they would sound like upon impact with earth.
fast forward more than a few years and i've discovered where all of those idealistic and delicate sounds of my childhood went. they've all landed in the inspired tunes of san francisco dreampop outfit, blackbird blackbird. give their new album, summer heart, a spot on repeat and if kaleidoscopes are your thing, they totally understand.
my motormouth, runs over you.

they heard me singing and they told me to stop. quit these pretentious things and just punch a clock.

Sunday, January 9, 2011
it's the year to be hated, so glad that we made it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011
sit me down, shut me up.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
ten decisions shape your life, you'll be aware of five about.

everyone's well dressed, everyone's a mess,
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
at the end of the day, all you have is tomorrow morning.

move it,
you won't need me where i'm going.

wolf hunting,
there i go again. wishing never solved a problem.

Monday, January 3, 2011
i only know, what i know now.

i'm building a still, to slow down the time.

i've been told that sentimentality is my achilles heel. memory lane is a great place to visit, but it is no place to make yourself a home. what really makes me sentimental, is whenever i recall the first time i crossed paths with someone. my memory tends to impress myself more than others and i love remembering how a friendship began.
my friendship with strange didn't actually blossom until after we were already coworkers for over a year. in fact it only really gained momentum when i coincidentally moved down the street from him in silverlake. i asked him for advice on local places to indulge in a few drinks and cheap eats. i guess that's why i enjoy this video spotlight on my friend so much. because it was his knowledge of our neighborhood (as a new orleans transplant) that was the key that ultimately forged a connection, not just forced coworker dynamics. however, since this video was shot, strange has moved to brooklyn and now i fondly think back to our weekly friday lunches exploring the zagat guide he edited and the occasional carpool.
check out the first installment of "smile, you're in los angeles" about my friend strange created by our buddy andrew.