if you're an avid follower of this little blog, then it's obvious that if there's a possibility to customize something, then that's the road i will take. i've been leaving my own personal stamp on gifts since i was in high school. a fact reminded to me yesterday by my friend clairose - aka dr. flowerpot - when she dug out the chair i customized as a gift back in 2002.
(that's neither the chair nor my kid. i just thought it was an adorable picture, duh).
so when i found this site back in november, i was elated. in fact the photo above is indeed a gift i gave this past holiday season. it served as my most overused word in 2010, both as an adjective and a noun and should giveaway who was the lucky recipient. so for those of you beautiful people unable to blurt out what's on their mind, or simply looking for your first steps into customization, i highly suggest the geniuses at what wood you say, for all gift giving ideas.
