i've been told that sentimentality is my achilles heel. memory lane is a great place to visit, but it is no place to make yourself a home. what really makes me sentimental, is whenever i recall the first time i crossed paths with someone. my memory tends to impress myself more than others and i love remembering how a friendship began.
my friendship with strange didn't actually blossom until after we were already coworkers for over a year. in fact it only really gained momentum when i coincidentally moved down the street from him in silverlake. i asked him for advice on local places to indulge in a few drinks and cheap eats. i guess that's why i enjoy this video spotlight on my friend so much. because it was his knowledge of our neighborhood (as a new orleans transplant) that was the key that ultimately forged a connection, not just forced coworker dynamics. however, since this video was shot, strange has moved to brooklyn and now i fondly think back to our weekly friday lunches exploring the zagat guide he edited and the occasional carpool.
check out the first installment of "smile, you're in los angeles" about my friend strange created by our buddy andrew.