this week i was lucky enough to catch a screening of a movie i've been obsessing over for the past month. the rashida jones, andy samberg, elijah wood, ari graynor and emma roberts vehicle,
celeste and jesse forever. i've been actively trying to see it since
falling in love with the trailer.
they really go out of their way to keep the major conflict out of the marketing (no spoilers here), so it feels like a very intimate reveal for both the main character and the audience when everything changes. admittedly, the movie has a little trouble in the beginning, hitting too many familiar beats. but once it found solid footing, i found it irresistible, relatable and relevant to my age group. rashida jones' performance proved that she's not only capable of leading lady status, but it's a long-over due title. with a handful of cameos (hellllloooo chris pine), what really tips the enjoyment scales is a soundtrack to die for and very recognizable east side-centric locations (silver lake, echo park, larchmont and hollywood just to name a few).
celeste and jesse forever opens next week in limited release. track it down.