ive lived in southern california my entire life. i never studied abroad, i never went away for college and my parents never had to relocate for work. and despite the fact that im not really the beach blanket type of person, the sunny california mindset of carelessness and fun has been all ive ever really known. this ultimately led me to become an instant believer in the tunes of Best Coast. not only does it ooze the quintessential soCal summer groove, but like a page out of your teenage journal, it relates stories of simple boy/girl dynamics that remind you of that certain someone at an unforgettable time in your life.
i was at the fader fort a few times during SXSW and i really wanted to catch this set, but this will do for now. mark those calenders - best coast's debut, crazy for you, drops july 27th via (the appropriately named) mexican summer.
my momma always told me there'd be boys like you,
i was at the fader fort a few times during SXSW and i really wanted to catch this set, but this will do for now. mark those calenders - best coast's debut, crazy for you, drops july 27th via (the appropriately named) mexican summer.
my momma always told me there'd be boys like you,